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MIPFS Legislative Update - curriculum changes (June 2012)

*This message went out to our mailing list this morning. We're reproducing it here for anyone who is not yet a subscriber to our list.* This newsletter focuses on the bills before the state House to make changes to the Michigan Merit Curriculum (the state's high school graduation requirements). While the bills differ, they agree on eliminating the foreign language and arts requirements; they also reduce requirements in science, math, and social studies. The purpose of these bills is supposedly to remove the "college preparatory" bias of the graduation requirements, and to make more space for career and technical education. Our take is that key subjects like math, science, the arts, and languages are not just for those going to college. They help our schools deliver a well-rounded curriculum. Given the transformation of Michigan's economy, we need that now more than ever. "Please click here to read the newsletter!":http://www.miparentsforschools.org/files/newsletter-061112-web.html
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